Friday, December 10, 2010


My kid is safe right?
I don't  let him go outside at night
I encourage him not to scream and fight
I make sure he stays in sight
I hold him close and tight
But he's finds ways to go out at night
And he loves to scream and fight
He's always out of sight
And he wont let me hold him close or tight
Why isnt he bright?


  1. Thanks for the highly varied posts Lali, I am glad to see your expression in a variety of ways from shared links of interest to music, to pictures and videos. I am also glad to see you are doing some homework (I assume thats how you got the pictures?) These online tools are for everywhere and hopefully everyone will take them outside the classroom and give them a test run.
    I really like what you are doing so far, keep up the good work.

  2. I like this poem. I thynk its the way things truely are even though our parents try to keep us safe and wat not. We still do us..
