Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Because it's an illusion

I can't find time in this monotony
and I can't find consistency for the life of me
They say the grass is always greener on the other side
but whether or not the grass is even green I can't decide
Nothing is what it seems anymore because we all make it what it isn't
Nothing ever was , because we thought we knew but we didn't
You can create something you think is solid
but the truth is anyone can decide what to call it
They can destroy it so entirely they enable its true construction
Re-constructed while your still focused on its destruction
So I guess I'll never find consistency
Time, people, me, still seem to change monotony

Monday, December 13, 2010

Legend of Korra

                                                            About the show..

Friday, December 10, 2010


My kid is safe right?
I don't  let him go outside at night
I encourage him not to scream and fight
I make sure he stays in sight
I hold him close and tight
But he's finds ways to go out at night
And he loves to scream and fight
He's always out of sight
And he wont let me hold him close or tight
Why isnt he bright?

Something funny to amuse my fellow stumblers :p

Planning Vs. the Internet

At this rate he will live forever..

Tupac cover

Thugz Mansion - 2pac feat. Nas (acoustic)
